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About Iat Lei
澳門溢利商業用品有限公司建立於1993年, 前身公司名為「溢利包裝」,從製衣業及包裝用品耗材起步,順應澳門製衣工業,大量引進製衣車間所用到的各種包裝、製衣耗材,為後來的企業轉型奠定了基礎。經過多年努力經營與發展,由基本辦公室文儀用品至其他後勤服務包括電子採購方案,倉存管理及配送服務等都一應俱全,務求令客戶得到貼心的一站式服務。公司近年更積極豐富產品系列,加入空氣淨化機及過濾水機等辦公室設備,令客戶有更多選擇。我們現有超過八仟多種產品供客戶選購,由桌上文具用品至高端辦公室儀器一應俱備。為了讓豐富多元化的辦公室用品更好地在中港澳市場流通及推廣,我們更成立了江門市威帕斯貿易有限公司

作為澳門最優秀辦公室文儀用品供應商之一,溢利除代理國際知名品牌用品外,亦同時擁有自家優質品牌 “Godex”、“Miracle”及 “Wipas”。 在桌上文具及衛生用品上為客戶提供多個既高質而價廉的選擇。

踏入新時代,溢利除了為客戶提供不同的網上採購專業提案,訂造禮品,印刷服務及貨物配送服務外,近年公司亦把握網絡商機,不斷拓展在新的網上市場及平台,推廣更多產品,網站亦會定時更新去吸引更多客戶群。另外,除本地發展外,溢利更開拓香港及中國內地市場,客人透過整合的“E-Services”網上服務提供一致、快捷及全面一站式多元提案,快來體驗“溢利” 嶄新服務!
Iat Lei Stationary Limited was established in 1993, formerly known as "Iat Lei Packaging", which started from the garment industry and packaging supplies,comply with the garment industry in Macao, a large number of packaging and garment supplies used in garment workshops were introduced, which laid the foundation for the subsequent transformation. After many years of hard work and development. Our services ranging from basic function like ordering essential office supplies, to back-end support like software solution, warehouse management and distribution. Iat Lei is actively enriched our product category, adding office supplies such as air purifiers and water filtration products, giving customers more variety of products for selection. We currently offer over 8,000 kinds of office products ranging from essential office supplies to high-level office equipment to our clients. In order to make the rich and diversified office supplies better circulated and promoted in the market of China mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, we even established Wipas (JiangMen) Trading Co.,Ltd.

As one of the best leading office suppliers in Macao, we are providing full range of office necessity products and cover most of the reputation international brands.  Besides, we developed our house brand, "Godex" "Miracle" and "Wipas"to provide an alternative choice with lowest price and high quality on desktop stationery and sanitary products.  

Entering the new era, except the developed premium production, printing services and logistics distribution services, we also grasped the opportunity to expand our online market. We will continue to expand new online platforms to promote variety of products.  The website will be updated regularly to attract more customers.  In addition, we are not only focusing on local business, but also looking forward to our nearest countries.  We are expanding our services network in Hong Kong and China Mainland markets.  By using our customized "E-services" system, our clients are enjoying an unique, fast and comprehensive services throughout one-stop solutions, please come and experience our new services!

溢利 · 你的辦公好幫手
Iat Lei • Stationery Supply

- 提供簡單一站式網上辦公室文儀用品採購平台及各項專業服務包括:

- 超過8,000件產品供你選擇,種類囊括國際知名品牌,更有定時新產品提供。
- 按客戶需要制定專業提案,節省營運開支,以提高經濟效益。
- 高效率及熱誠的團隊提供全面及迅速的支援,回應各客戶所需。
- 推動環保,不斷更新及搜羅嶄新的環保產品。

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